Fire and Ice-Land 1

Picture and T-shirt by

Hi there honorable readers!

The squirrel just got back from one of his bucket list destinations!  I am sure that  the photo above of a T-shirt I saw while there will have tipped you as to where that is …….. Iceland!   So what part of Eyjafjallajökull didn’t you understand?  Will the smart alecks among you please enlighten us all to its meaning in the comments?  In this era of alternate truths, your explanation doesn’t have to be factually accurate but by Odin, make it interesting.

Yes, my missus and I went to Iceland, otherwise also known as the Land of Fire and Ice, the Land of the Vikings and more recently as part of Westeros and beyond The Wall (Game of Thrones).  Oh yes we did, and we did it in the midst of winter too!

And how was Iceland, you ask?  I quote my wife; “It’s Crazy Beautiful!”  The people were fascinating and friendly and the food fantastic – there are lots of delicious options so you don’t really need to eat the famous rotting shark meat or the boiled sheep’s head if you don’t want to.

Before I carry on, I must thank Terry for inspiring me to make the trip and also her practical advice.  Even though this is not primarily a travel blog, please bear with me as I will share about my experiences over the next few posts.

And, if you were wondering ……….. I did see the Northern Lights!

For now, I leave you with Asterix and Dogmatix as they show us that it isn’t so difficult to learn the Viking language.


6 thoughts on “Fire and Ice-Land 1”

  1. Oh, I am green, positively green, with envy! We are hoping to go to Iceland perhaps next year — but in the summer, thank you very much, we get enough cold and snow here in Canada so we don’t need to go to Iceland for more. I’m looking forward to your next few Iceland posts!!

  2. Debra,
    Hope you have a great time when you do go. I would love to go back again in warmer times too but it is Iceland after all so one hasn’t experienced it if one hasn’t experienced it covered with ice. 🙂

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