Top Posts

I have been blogging since late 2006 and I am grateful to the community of bloggers and visitors who have visited and left comments and generally made this whole blogging experience so enjoyable.   Invariably some posts were more popular than others as demonstrated by the number of comments and visits.

However, the main purpose of this blog was always for me to experiment with ways of expressing my more emotional and artistic side which for the most part had been subjugated by the more rationale and scientific nature of my academic training and career discipline.  So there were also some posts that I enjoyed creating.

And so, for newcomers and old timers, I present both the Readers’ Favorites and my own selection.  Please enjoy.

Readers’ Top 10

  1. Carolina Squirrel and the Money Pit
  2. Fishy Tale
  3. Fuzzy and the Steam Room
  4. The New Zodiac
  5. Bummed Out
  6. Something Evil This Way Comes
  7. The Devil Made Me Eat it
  8. Talking Turkey
  9. A Whole Lot of Feeding and Jumping Going On
  10. Singapore Girl in Blue

The Squirrel’s Favorite Nuts


  1. And Now For Something Completely Different
  2. 20 Years With Trouble and Strife
  3. Feet
  4. Capture the Flag
  5. Nuts to Nuts


  1. Old Sea Squirrel Tale
  2. A Superhero Apologises
  3. Blue Mansion, Penang
  4. For the Children, Teachers and Families of Newtown
  5. Monkey Business


  1. Heroes of Sukhbaatar Square
  2. The Other Side of the Tracks
  3. A Hammock With a View
  4. Say No to Intolerance
  5. Old Man of the Forest


  1. Nocturnal Perambulations In Borneo
  2. Fishy Tale
  3. Ham on Air
  4. Smell the Rat-atouille
  5. First Day of the Rest of My Life


  1. The Lady in the Café
  2. Orphaned
  3. Emergency Exits
  4. Stay Away From the Light
  5. London Revisited: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly


  1. Advice From Doctor Love
  2. Field Report on Manglish
  3. Celebrating Natalie – A Squirrel’s Tribute
  4. Neither I Condemn You
  5. Real Life Award


  1. Rediscovering Christina’s World
  2. Running Through Barley
  3. My Father
  4. Locked In
  5. Scratches the Gypsy


  1. Cujo  or Why I Don’t like Cats
  2. Goodnight Mrs. Legatt
  3. I Get No Respect
  4. Love: The Early Symptoms
  5. Dissecting Spikey

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Viewing the World Through the Observation of Squirrels